Sunday, October 31, 2010

Goodbye Old October, Hello New Me.

It's been so long since I've set eyes on a blog that was my own. Over the past 6 months I have been searching the world wide web for fashionista blogs/bloggers. Expanding my knowledge and love of fashion, beauty, art. However just recently I have had my eyes open to plus size fashionista bloggers (thanks to seventeens magazines blog). Including one that has been most inspiring to me, YFF. Gabi who imbraces her beautiful curves and continues to innovate creative chic ways to spice up her wardrobe. She inspires me as well as other +size bloggers (Curvy Girl Chic, Sound Bites, and Saks in the City) to love me for me. Yes, it is okay to want to approve yourself, which may include losing weight, changing a hairstyle, or just learning how to be yourself. Personally I have learned how to eliminate the fear of being fashionable simply because my size is in the double digits and my waist measurement isn't what society defines as beautiful. The term "work what you got" is a tremendously true statement because you don't have to wear a size 2 and visibly see six-pack definitions through too-tight tanks just to say that you are beautiful. Because regardless you and I are beautiful and that is priceless. So thank you guy to realize that, because of you my weight loss goal now is just to lose enough to cross my legs comfortably for hours and when I can walk up 4 flights of steps without losing my breath. And even though I have yet to reach that goal, I can still strut my stuff with the confidence God meant for all young women to have.  
It feels so good to be confident in myself, no matter what size I am.

(Pic 1 - Gabi, blogger of Young Fat and Fabulous (YFF))
(Pic 2 - Amelia, blogger of Sound Bits)
(Pic 3 - Blogger of Curvy Girl Chic)
(Pic 4 - Blogger of Saks in the City)

Along with embracing the brand new me, is a total new wardrobe. Here is my wishlist that I'm working towards getting REALLY SOON.

W  I  S  H  L  I  S  T

Though it seems like a list is not complete :  P

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